From the mid-1950s until well into the 1970s, the debate on Modern Architecture and the city received a new impulse from a group of young European architects under the banner of Team 10. Core members included the Dutch architects Jaap Bakema and Aldo van Eyck, Alison and Peter Smithson from the United Kingdom, Giancarlo De Carlo from Italy, and Georges Candilis and Shadrach Woods from France. Other architects who were involved include José Coderch, Ralph Erskine, Amancio Guedes, Herman Hertzberger and Oswald Mathias Ungers.They met within the CIAM organization - the famous platform for modern architects dominated by Le Corbusier, Walter Gropius and Sigfried Giedion - but they soon abandoned it to hold their own meetings. At these Team 10 meetings the issues of modernization, the welfare state and consumer society, as well as the role of the architect, were the subject of heated debate. The various built and unbuilt projects by Team 10 members served as a vehicle for these highly influential and inspiring exchanges. This website is dedicated to Team 10 and the research of the history of the group. The website was launched at the occasion of the publication of 'Team 10, 1953-1981, In Search of a Utopia of the Present' (NAi Publishers) and the opening of the exhibition 'Team 10 - A Utopia of the Present' at the NAi, Rotterdam. The site is divided into three main sections: TEAM 10 - information on the history of Team 10, its meetings, members, projects and texts. Most of the information presented here, was also developed for the book. RESEARCH - information on the archives of (members of) Team 10, research and studies on Team 10 and related topics and a survey of past and future seminars, symposia, expert meetings.
a utopia of the present
studies and papers
team 10